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general specifications是什么意思

275 2022-04-23 06:03

一般规格1. Classification and code and List and General specifications for transport packages of dangerous goods. 危险货物分类和品名编号、品名表;危险货物运输包装通用技术条件.2. Refer to Architect's General Specifications and Drawings for waterproofing of Structural Slab and Closed Bottom Planters. 1结构板块,密底花堂的防水处理须参照建筑师之大样及规范.3. Then would you like us to draw up general plans and specifications? 那么你们是否希望我们拟妥大致计划和规格 呢 ?

general specifications一般规格 例句Metric helical spring lock washers general specifications. 公制螺旋弹簧锁垫圈一般规格。 General specifications of motorcycles and mopeds. 摩托车和轻便摩托车通用技术条件。 Road vehicles--unscreened high-voltage ignition cables--general specifications, test methods and requirements. 道路车辆无屏蔽高压点火电缆总体技术条件,试验方法和要求。 These notes are to be read in conjunction with the general specifications. 这些说明将与通用规范共同阅读。您好,答题不易如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!